Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Arbor Day!

Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday of April, which is April 30th this year. It is a celebrated day of observance that encourages the planting of trees. Planting a shade tree in the right location can help lower your roof and wall temperatures by 20% resulting in a 10% savings on your electric bill. Trees will also add value to your home. Planting a tree yourself is a labor of love and an act of optimism and kindness. So, on this Arbor Day help the environment, save on your electric bill, and add value to your home...plant a tree!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Stacye King – Realtor – Houston, Texas • Blog

Stacye King – Realtor – Houston, Texas • Blog: "If you are anyone you know is having a hard time making your mortgage payments or if you are already behind and don’t know what to do, give me a call. The government has just implemented a new program that started on April 5, 2010 and goes through December 31, 2012. This program is designed to help people just like you resolve your situation either through modification or a short sale of your home. The Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative program provides for incentives to the borrower and helps keep your credit from being destroyed. I can help you through the process which can be overwhelming and emotional. Don’t wait I can help! Email me at

Short Sale Program